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Analysing climate change risks and designing adaptation measures in five Natura 2000 marine protected areas
Analysing climate change risks and designing adaptation measures in five Natura 2000 marine protected areas

The project, developed in collaboration with the Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO), the Regional Government of Andalusia, the Regional Government of Galicia and the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC), aims to carry out a risk analysis of climate change and design the programme of adaptation measures in five protected marine areas. For this purpose, the “Methodology for risk analysis of the protected areas of the Natura 2000 Network in the face of climate change“, shall apply, developed in the framework of the LIFE INTEMARES project.

It aims to assist managers in implementing risk assessment procedures for climate change in marine protected areas. This methodology can be adapted to the unique needs and characteristics of each protected area. The methodology will aid in designing and proposing climate change adaptation measures to be included in management plans or in the planning of the protected marine area.

Study of underwater noise pollution in the Badies de Pollença i Alcúdia SCI
Study of underwater noise pollution in the Badies de Pollença i Alcúdia SCI

The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge is promoting, in collaboration with the Government of the Balearic Islands, the preparation of a study on the noise pollution generated by marine equipment in the SCI Badies de Pollença i Alcudia protected marine area of the Natura 2000 Network in the Balearic Islands, within the framework of LIFE INTEMARES. It aims to determine the degree of impact that this pressure has on the main cetacean species present in these areas in order to propose effective management measures based on the information obtained.

In this way, the aim is to contribute to improving the existing scientific-technical knowledge on underwater noise, as well as to generate a series of proposals for measures to be implemented for the regulation of uses based on the knowledge generated.

In the process of acoustic data collection through fixed and mobile campaigns.

Using underwater drones to improve knowledge of habitats of community interest in Andalusia
Using underwater drones to improve knowledge of habitats of community interest in Andalusia

The project, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment of the Andalusian Regional Government and the Andalusian Environment and Water Agency (AMAYA), aims to monitor marine species and habitats through the use of new technologies in the marine Natura 2000 Network in Andalusia.

14 Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) in Andalusia.

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